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The Most Magical Spiritual Moments Come Spontaneously

Marliana Alisemon

Good day! Welcome back to the blog! I am so honored to have you here. Todays post is nothing short of fun, meaningful and truly was one of the most magical spiritual moments come spontaneously for a dear friend of mine, Tiff Carson.

The other night this past week I was scheduled to do two 30min readings one over the phone and one on zoom.

worldwide psychic medium marliana alisemon empath. healer. energyworker.
zoom meeting

And lets just be honest here. Not everyone has the ability to have on point, accurate readings. In my 1000+ readings across the globe, I have had a handful of folks who end up having nothing there for them. Its always what is intended, and dependent on how closed off spiritually and energetically you are with me.

Both of those readings that day were light as there wasn't much there for either person. Which for the most part I am okay with I know its not me, it is them and their timelines etc.

But that night I was beginning to get down on myself , I was letting my ego have it's say when in truth it didn't need to say a thing.

worldwide psychic medium Marliana alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
texting my friend Tiff Carson

So I shook it off and made dinner with my husband. We sat down and I reached for my phone to text Tiff, see what was up with her day. Neither of us expected what was coming next. She'd mentioned her dog was behaving weird, barking at a spot on the floor staring and so on. I'd peeked in on her field and let her know what to do. I said "Clap your hands. Sound, right?" knowing she doesn't have drums or bowls or forks to aid in release.

Ella (her dog) calmed right down and things seemed clear.

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

After this text... All I could think about was Terry Jeffords from Brooklyn 99 saying "CHECK AGAIN!" hahahaha! because, man was it ON from this point on. so I'm going to let my text messages with Tiff explain themselves, and I will fill it all out.

Tiff asked me who the first being was, and I couldn't answer. The physical changes I could feel going on on my head and crown were undeniable and I was taken back with that for what seemed like half an hour, in reality only a minute had passed.

I sat with this for a minute as I could see the being with the wings in the room, the wings weren't white but more earth tones of grey and brown. I'm hearing now as I type this, it was the Arch Angel Metatron. (wowza!) and with that image, suddenly I could see her brother very clearly in her home.

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana ALisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

(The Giant wings were Metatron)

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

The dark knight vibe I was feeling... Well we know who that was! and what happened next, was nothing short of a miracle, magic and wonder. And this all went down while I was sitting with my husband eating dinner and watching 'House' while having a conversation with him and Tiff hahahaha! When it's meant to be, not much stops it.

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

I'd seen Metatron, and all of a sudden there was a woman who entered Tiffs home. I could see everything so clearly. She went to sit at her dining room table on one side, and her brother came to take the seat opposite this woman.

Now for myself I have never chat with Tiff about her Aunty. I had no basis to go on, but what I was seeing.

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

The messages I was receiving for her were making me outwardly belly laugh. Of course my husband is so used to this by now that he just grins and keeps eating his dinner. I'd full on stopped eating because this was getting good!

Her Aunt Rusty in life was a very forward person. I came to know this by how she spoke with me and her mannerisms playing cards.

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

This was getting to be... Impossible for most, but for Tiff and I this was a miraculous spiritual experience unfolding before us, me from my couch and Tiff in an entirely different city in her home.

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

We were in a full on game of Blackjack with her Aunt Rusty and her brother Corey. I was facilitating the entire thing, and Tiff was in the middle of this wild ride with her family members. I could NOT stop laughing and smiling.

Worldwide psychic medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

At this point it's a full on card game and conversation. A part of me is in complete wonder in how this is all going down, what a miracle! And the bigger part of me is sitting in so much gratitude to be able to do this for my sweet friend,

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath, healer. energyworker
Texting with Tiff

And now she is spiritually drinking with her Aunty and having a ball hahaha! And I am cleaning up from dinner and we are still full on watching a show, while I facilitate. I can't express how this all made me feel, how beautiful it was or the "why" of at this moment. But I can say it was so special to witness and be a part of. I could feel Tiff's excitement and joy as we flowed through this moment, and truthfully mine was mixing in there too.

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

I could see Tiff wanting to get up and dance with her aunt so bad. And I could see her Aunt trying to pull her up, it was only right and the best thing I could do to share it with her and give her ALL of her Aunt.

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

We both could feel this was winding down, my heart was so happy and full of love as I am sure was hers. I didn't hear Tiffs voice once through this but I could feel her, and that was more than enough. (I am sure she was on a rollercoaster with her family LOL)

But wait...

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. Energyworker
Texting with Tiff

And with that, Aunt Rusty was gone. Not without a sassy goodbye first!

Worldwide Psychic Medium Marliana Alisemon. Empath. Healer. energyworker
Texting with Tiff

I had no idea, but Tiff shared with me that Corey had a parrot hahaha! And on that note we both decided it was a perfect time to unwind, let it all integrate and go to bed and tuck in for the night. These moments always seem to blossom out of no where for me. I've shared many experiences like this with other friends and clients along my journey.

And when I say it is symbiotic I mean it. As much as these miraculous moments offer closure and love, insight for those still living, it also fills my spiritual cup and my Gods cup to have me in service and honoring Him and His creation with the best of energy and intention, and allowing us to turn towards the light, let go and love ourselves and others deeply and in compassion and unison.

Thanks for dropping in and taking a moment to share in my journey!

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